Hillsboro has a wide variety of ministries for people of all ages, life-stages, and
interests. And new ministries are created as our people pursue their passions and
exercise their own creativity for the Lord. The links above will take you to some more specific info,
but an overview is below. For information on any of the following
ministries, call the church office or email us.
Youth Ministry: Our youth group is an important part of
our regular worship services, and many of the teens sit together during worship. It's exciting to see!
The group also meets on Sunday evenings from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. for fellowship, food, games, and most importantly
to apply the truths of God's word to their lives. Our student ministry also heads out for regular recreational events,
for summer mission trips and retreats, and provides a place where Christian teens can build friendships
and find encouragement, support, and fellowship.
Check out our student website: www.HillsboroStudents.com
Women's Ministry:
Our Women's Ministry meets weekly for Bible studies (Sunday and Wednesday nights), and plans get-aways to retreats and
conferences for inspiration and renewal, like Beth Moore conferences and the annual Extraordinary Women's
Men's Ministry:
Hillsboro's Men's ministry isn't as structured as our women's ministry. We're relaxed and manly about it. Men in
our congregation plan camping and fishing trips, special events, and just go places together as a group - like to a big
power tool show, or something similar. (Manly grunt goes here.) We'd love for you to join in the fun.
Children's Ministry: Our children have lots of opportunities
for friends and fun in a setting that celebrates faith in Christ. Crafts, games, Bible stories . . . special
trips to zoos, aquariums, museums, shows . . . Parents' Night Out gatherings. New friends are always
welcome. Hillsboro has a deep commitment to children and their families, from our weekday preschool ministry to
providing places for children to learn about God and make good friends. We also provide a special worship
experience for children on Sundays called "KidMo!" which takes place while Moms and Dads worship in the
Sanctuary. KidMo! is non-stop praise and Bible truth in an energetic format.
Choirs and Singing Groups:
At Hillsboro, we love music and we also love flexibility... so we have music groups that rehearse
and lead all year long, and others that exist and perform just for Christmas or other special seasons.
We also enjoy solos, ensembles, and outside musicians. Weekly rehearsal times do sometimes change to
accomodate group members' schedules, so check the newsletter for current times.
Family Night Dinner and Life Groups:
Wednesday nights, the church provides a meal for busy families at 6:00 p.m., followed by Life Groups - Bible
study groups for all ages, which run from 6:45 to 7:45 p.m. Our goal is that families can enjoy food, fellowship,
and study, and still be home and relaxing by 8:00 p.m.
But wait, there's more!
As new needs and opportunities arise, as people within our church family pursue their own passions for ministry,
Hillsboro's activities and ministries constantly change and grow.